About Patricia A.Tracy

Tracy A. Patricia is not just an artist; she's a storyteller whose tapestries are imbued with tales of silence, emotion, and resilience. Born with congenital deafness, Tracy's journey into the world of art was as much a necessity as it was a passion, offering a canvas to express her unique perspective on the world.

A Weaver of Emotions

From the vibrant hues of hand-dyed silk to the intricate weaves of her tapestries, each piece Tracy creates is a testament to her meticulous craftsmanship and profound artistic vision. Her work transcends the visual, inviting viewers into a sensory experience that echoes the depths of human emotions and the subtleties of silent communication.

Educational Odyssey

Tracy's artistic foundations were laid at the Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Performing Arts, further solidified by a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Weaving and Textile Design from the Rochester Institute of Technology. Each institution contributed to her evolving style, blending technical prowess with her innate creative spirit.

Artistic Achievements

Highlighted by her receipt of the Aaron Rosestreich Memorial Award, Tracy's professional journey is adorned with accolades. Yet, her most significant achievements are not hung on walls or displayed in galleries; they are the moments of connection and understanding fostered through each woven story.

Explore the Tapestry Gallery

A Glimpse into Patricia's World of Woven Stories

Contact Patricia A. Tracy

Let's Weave Something Beautiful Together.